Face & Neck

A facelift is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures and for a good reason – it remains the most comprehensive approach to treating wrinkles and sagging skin on the face and neck caused by aging or weight loss. Facelifts produce visible and lasting results to give you a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance for many years to come.

As we become older, our neck muscles and skin become loose, causing a sagging appearance. A neck lift addresses this issue and delivers rejuvenating results by eliminating excess skin, improving the jawline contour, and tightening neck muscles. Our is staff is equally proficient at performing the most advanced and minimally-invasive procedures and will leave you with the results you are dreaming of.


Treatment Options



One of the most sought-after facial plastic surgeries, rhinoplasty is performed to enhance the appearance, structure, and function of the nose. At Pacific Med Health Group, our surgeons know that there is no universal type of rhinoplasty that will meet the needs of every patient. For this reason, we carefully customize this procedure for each patient, depending on his or her needs. Aside from correcting the shape of your nose or creating a more proportionate profile, this procedure can also treat nasal injuries, address birth defends, and even help relieve some breathing problems.


Face Lift

Facelifts are performed to address the loss of elasticity in the facial area, decreased muscle tone and reduced fatty tissue beneath the facial skin. During this procedure the lower two-thirds of the face and the neck are “lifted” to give the patient a more youthful look and feel.


Neck Lift

The neck is one area of the body that often betrays our age. Over time, the skin may begin to sag. If you are hoping to turn back the hands of time, a neck lift can help. Weight loss also can contribute to hanging, loose skin and weakened muscles in the neck.

For anyone concerned about the appearance of their neck, a neck lift can remove excess skin and fatty tissue from the neck and tighten neck muscles to re-define the jaw and neckline.


Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery (or blepharoplasty) refers to the removal of excess eyelid skin. It can be done on the upper eyelid and lower eyelid. It is considered an outpatient procedure.

The surgery utilizes your own fat to achieve a natural look and feel to the area after the procedure. The key is the fat that is harvested and used to firm up and improve the look of the buttocks. Your surgeon will go in detail about the specifics of the procedure and answer all your questions.

Blepharoplasty incisions are made in the fold or crease of the upper eyelids and the lower eyelids lash line. Our surgeon will remove excess skin and fat. Surgery can be performed on the upper and lower eyelids at the same time.